Diet. When certain people hear that word it can inspire utter terror and trepidation in their heart. People eat rightly, people eat wrongly. Some people swear by organic vegan unprocessed raw foods while others eat fast food every meal of every day. No, it’s true, Morgan Spurlock didn’t just make that up to boost DVD sales. Working on a military base I witness it every single day. It sickens me to some extent, but I try not to judge. People like what they like, who am I to tell them what they should or should not be eating.
I’m 29 years old, six feet tall, and 152 pounds of bone, skin, and (some) muscle. One thing I absolutely hate hearing is “You’re so lucky…” Fuck no I’m not! I work my ass off to stay fit. It takes supreme dedication to not only watch every single goddamned morsel I eat, but to also trek off to the gym four days a week, usually after working ten hours. It’s freakin’ hard! During the summer I exercised five times a week: Two days running outdoors, two days doing free weights at the gym, and one day doing machines at the gym. Now, since my wife and I don’t run in the cold, I’ve condensed my running down to one day a week on the treadmill. I don’t care who you are or what you do, it takes a lot of dedication. I do it for myself, as opposed to anyone else. I do it for health and to feel comfortable in my own skin, and to feel confident in public (that’s definitely a big part of it, I won’t lie). Plus, those cheesy 3am infomercials you see preaching about the next best thing in effortless weight loss really do hold some truth to them: Being fit does help improve your sex life! Just ask the missus.